
Doris Kosminsky


Barbara Castro e
Luiz Ludwig


17 de setembro
segunda-feira às 19h

Visitação Pública

18 de setembro a
18 de novembro

Entrada gratuita

Terça a domingo
das 11h às 20h

Oi Futuro

Rua Dois de Dezembro, 63,
Flamengo, Rio de Janeiro

Credito completo

Till Nagel e Christopher Pietch

Till Nagel e Christopher Pietch


Performs projects related to the visualization of urban and cultural data. Their projects focus on the use of big data from smart cities and seek to create innovative methods of interactive visualization to facilitate the understanding of complex data. The laboratory is part of the Design Department and the University of Applied Sciences of Potsdam (FH Potsdam). The Urban Complexity Lab is a research space between the Department of Design and the Institute for Urban Futures, and is partially supported by HERE cooperation.

City Flows
Fluxos da Cidade
The use of bicycle sharing systems can be seen in this objet d’art using data collected from three cities: New York, London and Rio de Janeiro. The pulse of urban mobility is revealed, creating portraits of cities defined by their momentary dynamics. The piece presents three screen modes with the visualization of rented bicycles but focusing on different levels of the spatiality and temporality of this type of mobility. The panoramic view of each of the cities aggregates all the trajectories of shared trips of bicycles occurring  within a single day.  Another view shows only the "to" trips of a particular station. The third viewing mode shows the space/time averages for three bike stations, separating arrivals and departures for evening/night time rides.