Oi Futuro Flamengo

Conselho gestor / Management Council Presidente / President

Eurico de Jesus Teles Neto

Conselheiros / Board Members

Jose Augusto da Gama Figueira
Roberto Terziani
Suzana Gomes Santos

Diretoria Executiva / Executive BoardDiretora Presidente / President Director

Suzana Gomes Santos

Diretor Vice-Presidente / Vice President Director

Silvio Roberto Vieira Almeida

Diretor / Director

Sara Crosman

Cultura / Culture
Gestão de Cultura / Culture Manager

Roberto Guimarães

Gerência de Cultura / Culture Management

Victor D’Almeida

Curadoria de Artes Visuais / Visual Arts Curator

Alberto Saraiva

Coordenação de Cultura /  Culture Coordinator

Sérgio Ricardo Pereira

Produção de Artes Visuais / Visual Arts Production

Claudia Leite

Produção de Artes Performáticas / Performing Arts Production

Claudia Leite

Patrocínios Culturais / Cultural Sponsorships

Luciana Adão
Joseph Andrade

Museologia / Museology

Bruna Cruz
Leyanne Azevedo

Equipe Cultura / Culture Team

Jairo Vargas
João André Macena
Marcelo Stu
Marciel Oliveira
Raphael Fernandes
Yuri Chamusca

Estagiário / Intern

Sandro Rosa

Assessoria de Imprensa / Press Office

Leticia DuqueCarla MeneghiniGustavo Alves

Estagiário / Intern

Isis Da Conceicao Leite

Existência Numérica


Barbara Castro
Luiz Ludwig


Doris Kosminsky

Assistência Curatorial

Barbara Castro

Projeto Expográfico e Design Gráfico

Luiz Ludwig

Produção Técnica

Caio Chacal

Design de Luz

Luiz Paulo Nenen


Galpão 6Centos

Assessoria de Imprensa



Lucas Luz

Montagem Audiovisual


Produção Executiva

Denise Escudero


Anette Hester
Claudio Esperança
Pedro Miguel Cruz
Pedro Reis
Mônica Camões

videos & photos




The artistic practice of data visualization includes several important points concerning the reflection and discussion of contemporary society, such as subjectivity, vigilance and the very notion of truth. In the field of art, these issues can be approached in more intuitive or speculative ways as opposed to other applied data visualization practices. Regardless of the context, this field of knowledge continues to be rarely discussed and disseminated in Brazil. Our intention with the Numerical Existence exhibition is to introduce the theme and facilitate these relevant discussions.

Barbara Castro e Luiz Ludwig
Idealizadores da exposição
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Oi Futuro Theater
Set. 19 - 3p.m.
Doris Kosminsky, professor EBA-UFRJ
Mesa 1 - Dados: tecnologia vida e sociedade
Barbara Szaniecki, professor ESDI-UERJ
Claudio Esperança, professor COPPE-UFRJ
Silvana Bahia, OLABI, Pretalab
MESA 2 - Visualização: processos
criativos com emprego de dados
Alice Bodansky, NEXT PUC-Rio
Barbara Castro, professor PUC-Rio
Luiz Ludwig, professor, PUC-Rio
Pedro Miguel Cruz, professor Northeastern University, EUA
Till Nagel, professor Mannheim university (remote participation)
Passwords will be distributed 30 minutes before the start of the event
A certificate of attendance will be provided for the enrolled


The artistic practice of data visualization includes several important points concerning the reflection and discussion of contemporary society, such as subjectivity, vigilance and the very notion of truth. In the field of art, these issues can be approached in more intuitive or speculative ways as opposed to other applied data visualization practices. Regardless of the context, this field of knowledge continues to be rarely discussed and disseminated in Brazil. Our intention with the Numerical Existence exhibition is to introduce the theme and facilitate these relevant discussions.

Barbara Castro e Luiz Ludwig
Idealizadores da exposição
more →
Oi Futuro Theater
Set. 19 - 3p.m.
Doris Kosminsky, professor EBA-UFRJ
Mesa 1 - Dados: tecnologia vida e sociedade
Barbara Szaniecki, professor ESDI-UERJ
Claudio Esperança, professor COPPE-UFRJ
Silvana Bahia, OLABI, Pretalab
MESA 2 - Visualização: processos
criativos com emprego de dados
Alice Bodansky, NEXT PUC-Rio
Barbara Castro, professor PUC-Rio
Luiz Ludwig, professor, PUC-Rio
Pedro Miguel Cruz, professor Northeastern University, EUA
Till Nagel, professor Mannheim university (remote participation)
Passwords will be distributed 30 minutes before the start of the event
A certificate of attendance will be provided for the enrolled